Our mission is to InspirE biblically-based stewardship of all creation

through educational forums, workshops, classes, retreats, sermons and other events


Dr. Sleeth’s Speaking Itinerary

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Events

Montgomery, Alabama March 2-4, 2025

Sunday, March 2

9:00-10:00 am, Combined Adult Sunday School Class,

Heritage Baptist Church,1849 Perry Hill Rd.

Private Event

Sunday, March 2

6:15 pm, Sermon,

First Baptist Church, 305 South Perry Street


Monday, March 3

8:15 am, Chapel,

Montgomery Christian School, 3265 McGehee Road

Private Event

Monday, March 3

10:00 am, Assembly,

Montgomery Catholic School, 5350 Vaughn Road

Private Event

Monday, March 3

6:00 pm, Parent University, Montgomery Christian School Dinner, followed by Parent University,

Young Meadows Presbyterian Church, 5780 Vaughn Road

Private Event

Tuesday, March 4th

9:00 am, Assembly,

Trinity Presbyterian School Assembly, 1701 Trinity Blvd

Private Event

Tuesday, March 4th

Noon, Mental Health Professionals,

Montgomery Country Club, 3001 Narrow Lane Road

*Private event- email Ann to register

Tuesday, March 4th

3:15 pm, Staff Meeting,

Montgomery Christian School, 3265 McGehee Road

Private Event

On March 2-4, 2025, Dr. Sleeth will be speaking about Mental Health and Suicide Prevention at eight school, church, and mental health professionals events in Montgomery, Alabama.

For more information about any of these events, please contact Ann Amster, the events director for Montgomery Christian School, or the school or church hosting the event.

Email: aamster@montgomerychristianschool.org

Phone: Ann Amster- 334-202-2714

Recent and upcoming events

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  • FAMILY BIBLE CAMP | Findley lake July 21st-27th 2024


  • 24/6: Becoming a man of Peace Redwood alliance OCTOBER 18th-20th 2024

Read Matthew’s 2023 Lifewatch Sermon

The Most Powerful Essay Matthew Has Read this Year

From Matthew:  I've been speaking and writing about Sabbath rest for about two decades, but only recently did I come across this short but powerful essay by Henry Drummond, "Peace Be With You "(Pax Vobiscum).   Drummond says more about God's rest in 20 short pages than I have said in 20 years.  I've read this essay alone and with my wife Nancy several times in the past few weeks, and we continue to get more out of each reading.  It's a lot to digest, but well worth the effort: truly life transforming.  

Drummond was a Scottish writer, speaker, biologist, and evangelist (a heritage and vocations that I share!) who lived during the second half of the nineteenth century. In today's broken, anxious, chaotic world, Drummond's wisdom is needed now more than ever. 

"Peace Be With You" can be found in Drummond's superb collection:  The Greatest Thing in the World.  


    We partnered with Colson Educators to bring you a course on “Hope Always; How to be a Force for Life in a Culture of Suicide.” This series aims at enabling Christians to reach out to those struggling with depression and make a difference in their lives.


    In this groundbreaking walk through Scripture, Matthew Sleeth, MD, convincingly makes the case why trees are essential to every Christian’s understanding of God. There’s a tree on the first page of Genesis and the last page of Revelation. The Bible refers to itself as a Tree of Life (Proverbs 3:18), and every major Biblical character has a tree associated with them. Join Matthew Sleeth as he explores the wonders of life, death, and rebirth through the trail of trees in Scripture. Once you discover the hidden language of trees, your walk through the woods—and through Scripture—will never be the same.


    How to live a 24/6 life in a 24/7 world. Sabbath storied and resources to inspire and educate.